On June 16, 2024, the Yorba Linda City Council held a public hearing to consider the proposed General Plan and Zoning Code Amendments outlined in the revised 2021-2029 Housing Element. Following deliberation and community input, the City Council voted unanimously (4-0) to advance this action, helping the City further achieve compliance with State mandates and retain local control over land use decisions. View the recording of the City Council Meeting.
Consistent with Measure B, Yorba Linda’s Right-to-Vote initiative, the proposed zoning changes will require voter approval. The City Council will now consider a vote to initiate a ballot measure for the November 2024 general election to allow Yorba Linda voters to approve these changes. Extensive information about this process is available at YLLocalControl.com.
Community Engagement
The City undertook a comprehensive community engagement initiative to revise its Housing Element starting in 2023. City staff convened a geographically diverse group of residents to review the Housing Element and learn about the trade-offs related to California housing policy. The Working Group eventually offered key principles and draft revisions suggestions for the City to consider. A revised Housing Element was taken through a public review and feedback process with eight public meetings held from September 14, 2023 to December 5, 2023, resulting in additional modifications to the Housing Element. In December 2023, the City advanced the Housing Element to the State for review. In February 2024, the State conditionally-certified the revised Housing Element.
Ahead of the City Council’s public hearing, the Traffic Commission and Planning Commission reviewed crucial aspects of the revised Housing Element, such as the Traffic Analysis and zoning code amendments, and unanimously recommended to advance the proposed changes. From April 3, 2024 through June 18, 2024, the City also conducted an additional four public meetings for a total of 15 public meetings.
Looking ahead, residents can anticipate detailed information about the potential future ballot measure in the coming months. The City plans to provide further updates and distribute educational materials to help residents prepare for the November 2024 election.
For more details on the Housing Element and how to stay engaged, visit YLLocalControl.com or contact YLHousingElement@yorbalindaca.gov.