On July 16, 2024, the Yorba Linda City Council unanimously voted to place a ballot measure on the November 2024 general election that will ask residents to consider approval of the revised, resident-driven Housing Element. If adopted, the Yorba Linda Local Control, Neighborhood Protect Measure would enable the City to attain full certification of its State-required Housing Element, which is only conditionally certified by the State right now. View the City Council Meeting here.

The proposed updates in the revised Housing Element would only impact 1.75% of the total land area in all of Yorba Linda. If adopted, the measure would allow the City to protect open space, preserve the character of residential neighborhoods, maintain local control over land use decisions and housing projects (including zoning and design), and create small business opportunities in the Savi Ranch area.

Over the last year the City has hosted 15 public engagement opportunities on the Housing Element process, culminating in City Council’s adoption of the zoning changes necessary to implement the Housing Element on June 18, 2024. The proposed revisions were driven by resident feedback and recommendations. Prior to City Council’s unanimous adoption, the zoning changes were also reviewed and unanimously approved by the Traffic Commission, and Planning Commission.

These zoning changes will now be on the ballot for the November 2024 election. This step aligns with Measure B, Yorba Linda’s Right-to-Vote initiative, which requires voter review to approve or reject major adjustments to the City’s land use documents.

The City is planning to host another round of in-person community meetings in September to share information about the revised Housing Element and the Yorba Linda Local Control, Neighborhood Protect Measure. For more details on the revised Housing Element and how to stay engaged, visit YLLocalControl.com or contact YLHousingElement@yorbalindaca.gov.