“Total Development Capacity”, or “Total Net Unit Potential”, is the total residential density multiplied by the total acreage. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) requires the City to calculate the total development capacity of every housing site submitted for review. In addition, Measure B requires that the City’s public hearing notice include the total acreage and density assigned to each parcel, which is the total development capacity number.
“Realistic Development Capacity”, or “Realistic Unit Potential”, is the anticipated realistic number of units that would be built based on the assigned density. HCD does not give RHNA credit for Total Development Capacity; they require the City to calculate a Realistic Development Capacity for each housing site. In Yorba Linda’s case, HCD has generally allowed the City to claim credit for 85% of the total development capacity in our RHNA, which is a higher realistic development capacity than they’ve permitted for many other jurisdictions. This realistic development capacity assumes that there will be constraints on a property that don’t allow development to total development capacity (i.e., topography, irregular site configuration, market conditions, etc.).