Low Income Housing

How is “lower income housing” defined?

"Lower income housing" represents housing that is for individuals and families making up to 120% of the area median income (AMI) for a household is split into three categories: moderate, low, and very low. The Orange County AMI is currently $127,800.  Moderate income in Orange County would be households making between 80%-120% of AMI, which

2023-10-26T15:09:25-07:00September 28th, 2023|

Are the new developments being concentrated in one area, creating a “low-income housing zone”?

The Working Group considered fairness between various parts of the city and deemed Savi Ranch an appropriate location to add housing units. These decisions were influenced by development opportunities, concerns over fire evacuation, and feedback from residents. It is also important to note that the housing proposed in the Savi Ranch area would allow for

2023-10-26T15:11:45-07:00September 28th, 2023|
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