On July 16, 2024, the Yorba Linda City Council voted to place Measure JJ, the Yorba Linda Local Control, Residential Neighborhood, Open Space Protection Measure, on the ballot for the November 5, 2024 General Election.

Voters will see the following question for Measure JJ on the ballot: “To maintain local control over land use decisions; protect open space, single-family residential neighborhood character, height limits; limit traffic; shall Yorba Linda retain voter-approved development restrictions, adopt land use plans developed by residents including mixed-use housing, retaining/attracting businesses at Savi Ranch; limiting new housing density in areas including Richfield/Christmas Tree Farm and Buena Vista, vacant land at Fairmont/Quarter Horse Drive; requiring developer fees supporting parks/schools and public oversight?”

The 2024 General Election is on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Yorba Linda residents will have the opportunity to vote on important topics, including Measure JJ.  For more information about Measure JJ and to review FAQs about the Housing Element and how Measure JJ impacts you, visit YLMeasureJJ.com.