Common Misconceptions

Does zoning for “affordable housing” mean that Section 8 supported housing or other housing that some might view as having a detrimental impact be built on those sites?

"Affordable housing" is a term that has taken on some negative connotations for some community members and the mere term can raise their concerns. It is notable that there are several “low-income” developments in Yorba Linda already and there is no evidence of any negative repercussions from those developments. See Exhibit F in this report

2024-05-10T09:43:05-07:00August 23rd, 2023|

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis on the Housing Element seemed to just accommodate the growth rather than indicate the negative impacts. Don’t the negative impacts of more housing prevent the City from having to accept more housing?

No. A Housing Element has never been rejected because the environmental impacts were too negative. CEQA analysis generally notes what environmental impacts there are, then attempts to identify how those impacts can be mitigated. While concerns like increased traffic, wildfires, or water availability are valid, and the City of Yorba Linda is working to address

2023-08-23T21:35:03-07:00August 23rd, 2023|

Won’t the State Legislature change course on housing policy when it becomes clear that cites are getting pushback and many have not complied with State Housing mandates?

While Sacramento policy decisions are hard to predict, it is pretty clear from Sacramento policy experts that the legislature is even more bullish on housing mandates and that, rather than rolling back recent policy requirements, the State Legislature is adding on more mandates or expanding the applicability of mandates. The housing advocates in Sacramento reportedly

2023-10-26T15:32:40-07:00August 23rd, 2023|
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