
What is the difference between “Total Development Capacity” and “Realistic Development Capacity” as it relates to the Housing Element Rezone Sites?

“Total Development Capacity”, or “Total Net Unit Potential”, is the total residential density multiplied by the total acreage. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) requires the City to calculate the total development capacity of every housing site submitted for review. In addition, Measure B requires that the City’s public hearing notice include

2024-06-21T08:01:36-07:00June 21st, 2024|

Does the Revised Housing Element impact the 2022 Certified EIR?

No, the Revised Housing Element does not impact the 2022 Certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The City's CEQA consultant, T&B Planning, has prepared an Addendum to the previously certified EIR for the 2021-2029 Housing Element. This Addendum confirms that the Revised Housing Element does not create any new impacts beyond those already analyzed in the

2024-05-20T14:55:15-07:00May 20th, 2024|

Does the Yorba Linda Right-to-Vote (Measure B) override other laws when it comes to rezoning? Why doesn’t it protect Yorba Linda from Builder’s Remedy?

State law takes precedence over local laws and ordinances. Measure B only applies to certain City actions to approve or reject major adjustment's to the City land use documents. In contrast, the Builder’s Remedy does not require any approval or amendment of City land use documents and indeed prevents a City from using City zoning

2024-05-10T06:06:18-07:00September 28th, 2023|

Does zoning for “affordable housing” mean that Section 8 supported housing or other housing that some might view as having a detrimental impact be built on those sites?

"Affordable housing" is a term that has taken on some negative connotations for some community members and the mere term can raise their concerns. It is notable that there are several “low-income” developments in Yorba Linda already and there is no evidence of any negative repercussions from those developments. See Exhibit F in this report

2024-05-10T09:43:05-07:00August 23rd, 2023|
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