City of Yorba Linda 2021-2029 Housing Element Update: A Reflection of Community Collaboration
With the recent submission of the 2021-2029 Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the City of Yorba Linda reflects on the remarkable level of community engagement during this process. During the last months of 2023, a series of community workshops and public meetings proved
Bryant Ranch Site is Removed from the Proposed Housing Element Plan
View revisions to the December 6, 2023 HCD submittal reflecting the removal of Site S7-001 (Bryant Ranch Center). The Yorba Linda City Council took action on January 16, 2024 to amend the Housing Element that had been submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in
City of Yorba Linda Holds City Council Meeting: Advancing the Resident-Driven 2021-2029 Housing Element
On December 5, the Yorba Linda City Council reviewed the revisions to the 2021-2029 Housing Element proposed by the Yorba Linda Housing Policy Resident Working Group. After discussing the proposed revisions and hearing additional public comment, the City Council unanimously voted to advance the draft 2021-2029 Housing Element to
Bryant Ranch Shopping Center Owner Seeks Signatures to Add Housing Units to Development
The City has been receiving inquiries from residents regarding an ongoing signature-gathering effort that they have observed taking place around retail establishments in the City and going door-to-door in Yorba Linda neighborhoods. This article is intended to provide facts and information to residents about this effort. The ownership of the
Mayor Gene Hernandez Comments on Bryant Ranch Shopping Center Measure B Initiative
Mayor Gene Hernandez comments on Bryant Ranch Shopping Center Measure B initiative during the November 21, 2023 City Council meeting. A lot of residents have approached me with concerns about a petition that is going around our community related to increasing the zoning at Bryant Ranch Shopping Center.
City of Yorba Linda Holds Planning Commission Meeting: Advancing the Resident-Driven 2021-2029 Housing Element
On October 25, the Yorba Linda Planning Commission convened at City Hall Council Chambers to review revisions to the 2021-2029 Housing Element proposed by the Housing Policy Resident Working Group. After analyzing the proposed revisions and hearing public comment, the Commission supported the Working Group’s draft revisions to the 2021-2029